Thanksgiving Cleaning Prep List

You might recall our Thanksgiving Cleaning Prep List that we shared last year. We’re back with the same list and a few new tricks we’ve added to the trade. 

Step One: Assess the Damage

Make a list of everything that needs to be cleaned so that you are prepared. Do you need to replace a light bulb in the bathroom? New linens? Put it on the list!

Step Two: Check Your Cleaning Supplies

Make sure you have everything you’ll need to do your cleaning on hand. If not, make a list. Don’t forget to check your cleaning bottles too; you don’t want to be running to the store in the middle of a cleaning job because you forgot something. 

Step Three: Prepare the Kitchen

Since most of your time spent on Thanksgiving is in the Kitchen you’ll want to spend some extra time in this area. 

  • Make sure all the cookware you’ll be using is clean and ready to be used. 

  • Wipe down the cabinets, the refrigerator, the microwave, and the countertops. 

  • Wipe your special holiday dishes and flatware. 

  • Clean out your refrigerator. You’ll need room for leftovers.

  • Don’t forget the oven! Wipe down the door, clean the stovetop, and pay special attention to the inside; we want the turkey to cook without smoking out the house with burnt spillage from last week’s lasagna. 

Step Four: Laundry Day

If you’ll be hosting for any out-of-town guests, you’ll need to do some laundry if they are staying with you. Wash the bedding in your guest room. Since you’re already in the laundry room, make sure to wash any linen you’ll need for the dinner (I.e. cloth napkins, tablecloths) and hand towels for the kitchen and bathroom. While you wait for the spin cycle, dust and vacuum the guest room.

Step Five: Setting The Table

It’s always a good idea to look over your dining area before you host Thanksgiving to ensure you have everything you need at an arm’s reach. 

  • Double check the lighting in the room and adjust accordingly (open the curtains if needed, or add candles or additional lighting if necessary)

  • Make sure everything is wiped down 

  • We like to use hot pads, crockpots, and other handy kitchen tools to help keep Thanksgiving sides warm (cleaning tip: line with aluminum foil for easy clean up).

  • We recommend using tablecloths or recycled paper over tables for easier clean up.